“15 Minutes a Day!” – “IT-Toilet-Knowledge”

Welcome to “IT-Toilet-Knowledge”,

We present “IT-Toilet-Knowledge” which to be consumed, but not limited to, on the loo / toilet / bathroom within 15 minutes. Just “15 Minutes a Day!” for the next year doesnt sound linke much in the beginning, but is a pretty surprisingly long time.

So, how much time do you spend on the throne each year? Let’s see. We estimate “15 Minutes a Day!” …

15 Minutes * 365 Days = 5475 Minutes = 91,25 Hours = 3,8 Days

We literally waste nearly four days sitting on the loo each year!? Do the math! So is there maybe a way to save this time?

Yes, “IT-Toilet-Knowledge” – 365 Lessons for a whole year.

3,8 Days a year normally “wasted”!

Save precious time reading on the loo. Pick a topic and soon you will be able to understand the main principles behind computers, networks, social media, soft- and hardware and much more.


In the moment we are starting to write and generate content and finally you will find enough content for 365 days. Reading stuff for a whole year on the loo. Each “15 Minutes a Day!” you will learn something new and interesting without really learning.

What is “15 Minutes a Day!”? Let’s ask Chat-GPT4:

“15 Minutes a Day!” is a learning methodology designed to make education accessible, efficient, and effective by dedicating just 15 minutes each day to a focused learning session. This approach is grounded in the belief that consistent, short bursts of learning can lead to significant knowledge accumulation and skill development over time. Here’s a detailed look at its key aspects:

1. Consistency Over Quantity: One of the core principles of “15 Minutes a Day!” is that regular, daily learning, even in small amounts, is more effective than irregular, lengthy study sessions. This aligns with the psychological concept of ‘spaced repetition’, which suggests that information is better retained when exposure to it is spread out over time.

2. Focused Learning: Each 15-minute session is centered around a specific topic or concept, ensuring that the learner remains focused and engaged. This prevents cognitive overload and promotes deeper understanding.

3. Accessibility: The approach is designed to fit into even the busiest of schedules. By requiring only 15 minutes, it reduces the barriers to learning, making it accessible to a wider audience.

4. Incremental Progress: “15 Minutes a Day!” celebrates small, consistent steps towards learning. It’s built on the idea that incremental progress, when accumulated, can lead to significant achievements.

5. Versatility: This method can be applied to a wide range of subjects and skills, from language learning to coding, making it a versatile tool for lifelong learning.

6. Integration with Technology: Often, “15 Minutes a Day!” leverages digital tools and platforms, such as mobile apps or online courses, to deliver concise and structured learning content.

7. Building a Habit: By engaging in a daily learning routine, individuals develop a habit of learning. This not only improves knowledge in specific areas but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning.

8. Personalization: The learner has the flexibility to choose topics according to their interests and goals, making learning more relevant and engaging.

9. Community and Support: Many “15 Minutes a Day!” programs offer community support, where learners can share experiences, ask questions, and motivate each other.

10. Measurable Progress: These sessions often include ways to track progress, through quizzes, reflections, or other forms of assessment, providing learners with a sense of achievement and direction.


  • Improved Retention: Regular exposure to information helps in better retention.
  • Time Management: Helps learners manage their time effectively.
  • Reduced Procrastination: A short, defined study period is less daunting, reducing the tendency to procrastinate.
  • Flexibility: Can be adapted to fit various learning styles and schedules.
  • Motivation: Regular accomplishment of small goals can increase motivation.
  • Adaptability: The method can be adapted to changing schedules and different learning needs.

In summary, “15 Minutes a Day!” is a flexible, efficient, and effective approach to learning, suitable for a wide range of learners and learning objectives. It emphasizes the power of consistency and focused effort, making it a practical tool for personal and professional development.

End …

Please note -> WE ARE BETA! Find our errors.

Please find our errors. Some of our content might be “a bit out of date”, but will be redacted soon. Background: Content is KI generated and the actual data to train are subscription dependent, and we decided to use the cheapest model available. 🙂 Find & Comment in each post.

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